In 1827 Joseph Fossey saw a dramatic mountain peak at the northern end of what is now the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, in the World Heritage Area. He immediately named the peak Cradle Mountain, and as soon as you see it you will know why he chose the name.
The Mountain is one of the most popular features in the Park and is surrounded by stands of native deciduous beech (wonderfully colourful in autumn - April and May), rainforest, alpine heathlands and buttongrass. Icy streams cascade down the mountainsides, and ancient pines are reflected in the still glacial lakes.
The track to the top of the mountain (1,545 metres/5,068 feet above sea level) is an eight-hour return walk, but there are many other shorter, easier walks lower down, such as the walk around Dove Lake. For your convenience, and to help protect Cradle's delicate natural environment, an optional shuttle service operates from the information centre to Dove Lake and other popular destinations within the park.