Canberra National Archives Australia

The National Archives of Australia is located at Queen Victoria Terrace in Parkes, Canberra ACT. The National Archives manage records of Australia's history so they are available for us to use and view today as well as in the future. The records held at the National Archive of Australia are about all the nations people, not just the famous and the politicians, and their interactions with the Australian Government. There are millions of governmental records on topics such as immigration, military service, transport, Indigenous Australians, science and the environment.

The National Archive of Australia also feature gallery exhibits such as the temporary Memory of a Nation exhibit which features stories of everyday Australian's living their lives as well as records of how the public and the government handled times of war and other crisises.

The Federation Gallery is a permenent exhibition in the National Archives of Australia. This exhibit features the seven of the key documents of Australia's history including the Commonwealth of Australia Consistution Act from 1900 which was provided Australia with the beginnings of it's federation as well as legal and political structures that are still shaping the lives of Australian's today.

Also on display is the Royal Commission of Assent document which was signed by Queen Victoria on the same day as the Constitution Act. This put the Australian Constitution in place and was the founding of the Commonwealth.

The National Archives of Australia are open daily from 9am to 5pm except Christmas Day and Good Friday. Entry to the Archives is free.

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