Up Close With An Echidna

Photo Competition C1013 (Archived Competition) : Page 52 of 287

Photograph Details

Up Close With An Echidna

VOTES TO DATE: Competition Closed

IMAGE TITLE: Up Close With An Echidna

DATE TAKEN: 3 May 2009

LOCATION: Agnes, Wilsons Promontory National Park, South East in Victoria

FURTHER INFORMATION: This was taken at Wilsons Promontory national park after the fires in 2009 it was devestating to see the distruction of our beautiful park but at the same time it was truly breath taking to see the new green growth on all thee charred trees I took many pictures but thought I couldn't go past this echidna he was liking happily even tho most of there houses were gone it's proof that life goes on.


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